Begin your journey to financial freedom

2016 Makeover

Ellen Wang

Financial Services Consultant
Ellen Group & Asscociation
B.Eng (Comp Sci)

My name is Ellen, and I joined the finance industry in 2012 after graduating from NTU (Nanyang Technological University). It was a challenging and extremely competitive journey. Fortunately, I was blessed with many great teachers and successful clients who guided me on the path to financial success. Together with my hard work, I finally understood a successful, wealthy person’s mindset and how they plan finances for their loved ones. Within two years, I was awarded the title of Personal Wealth Manager and joined the Million Dollar Club in 2014. Throughout my 9.5 years, I have helped hundreds of clients and their families from different walks of life and social statuses achieve Income Protection, Income Accumulation, and Income Distribution. Not forgetting those who have their own business with their Business Financial Planning. To provide for your future generations and to plan what is best available for them is not an easy journey to achieve by yourself. At a fundamental level, a proper mindset and financial roadmaps are required. Furthermore, you need to protect the assets that you have built up over your many years of effort. Wait no longer, schedule a no-commitment appointment, and give yourself the Ellen Advantage now!

How May I Help You?

I get it. You splurge for spin classes, but you shop at Sheng Siong. Eventually you want to change careers, have a family, retire; but you would also like to go to see Northern Lights when COVID-19 clears. Let’s figure out how to do both without sacrificing either.

Every client has their own unique financial position and objectives, that’s why I take pride in listening to you.

Wealth Protection

Step 1: Foundations are important! Securing your hard earned income is the very first step we will take together.

Wealth Accumulation

Step 2: Together, we will build up your wealth together with goals and targets using tools available to us.

Wealth Management and preservation

Step 3: Time to put your money to work for you. We will work together to look for opportunities and preserve value against inflation.

Wealth Distribution

Step 4. CREATE a legacy for your loved ones or company while living the live you have always wanted.

My Philosophy

年轻人想成功赚大钱 为人父母想孩子成材成功
穷人想做有钱人 有钱人想更有钱!

成功 = 机会+计划+时间

“The Rich get Richer!”
要富过二,三,四代的方法绝对再也不是个秘密, 从你现在开始。

Are you in the “Sandwich Generation” where you need to take care of elderly parents and always worrying about the next generation? Do you have enough money for children’s educational needs so that they can stay competitive among their peers and at the same time are your retirement needs taken care of?
Graduate parents spend up to four times as much on tuition as their counterparts with only primary school education.
Straits times Jul 4, 2015,

Choosing a financial consultant is like selecting an interior designer. After doing your homework, you realize everyone is offering about the same things at slightly different prices. What you want is someone who truly CARES for your well being and your future:

1) Capable person who understands your requirements,
2) Advisor who puts your needs before theirs,
3) Responsible by planning your finances around you,
4) Educate you in new ways of achieving your goals,
5) Successfully guide you towards your goals

You can do all these yourself, and spend the time and effort to look for many sources, compare many plans, assess different agents. But why look elsewhere when I am here to share my knowledge with you? Let me share how to achieve what is important for you and your generations to come!


When Ellen and I had our first meeting 7 years ago (2013), she assured me that she was planning to be in the business for a long time. Today, she’s still going strong, always looking for ways to provide increasingly better service. I value her advice because I feel that she genuinely has my best interest at heart. I’m very grateful to have crossed paths with Ellen and I hope she continues to help others build a more financially secure future for themselves.

Muhammad Fahmi, 29, Teacher

As a consumer, Ellen’s efforts shine most brightly when I realized that she places my needs above her own as a consultant. She has a friendly, down to earth, no-nonsense personality that shows that she takes pride in her work. When Ellen updates me with the latest Government/policy changes, I feel that my financial health is safe in the hands of someone knowledgeable. I want my policies and investments managed by someone who is on the ball and not someone who is just looking to make a quick buck off me. With Ellen, I don’t need to worry. During our last review, Ellen gave me a macro presentation of my financial and insurance standings in under four minutes. I was very impressed because it was clear, short, and easy to understand. It explained where I was, where I needed to be, based on my requirements. If a presentation takes 4 minutes, it probably took her more than 40 minutes to seriously think and prepare for it. Money is important, many people don’t know how to use it effectively. But that’s ok because now Ellen will help you with her process that has helped many other people from all walks of life. Many agents will tell you they are “here for long”, and provide “stellar service” but why look elsewhere when Ellen is here right now and is convicted to stay with her years of experience.

Tan Yang Yang, 40, General Manager

I really like the fact that all along I am being given information & knowledge and it’s my own decisions to buy or not. Whenever I met with any insurance questions or issues, Ellen is very responsive & always help to solve them. I like the sincerity that she has in managing my portfolio & not just driven to earn more money from me. Ellen has shared a deeper analysis of my portfolio. Not just about what kind of health insurance or coverage that I have but an even deeper knowledge of CPF’s way of working & profile and segregation of policies that I should hold or release at the different junction of my life. I would say more education base than information sharing now.

Lim Yeow Ting, 31, Manager

As my past agent left the industry and no one willing to follow up on my cases, I get to know Ellen. She is my eldest daughter’s financial planner and now has become our family friend! Ellen is not pushy and provides excellent post-sale service. She responses very fast every time when we contact her with our inquiry. She also follows up with us every year and does an annual review. Her sharing, explanation, and the report card she did for us, give us more clarity on the policies that my whole family is holding currently. She is very knowledgeable in financial planning.

Lim Siew Hua, 55, Teacher

Ellen provides a very insightful explanation of financial plans and advice. Very considerate of clients and our needs. Provider constant reviews and updates based on the situation that fits my family and me the most. Ellen is not pushy and thinks for the best for us and will advise us differently according to our needs.

Veronique Yue, 24, Student, Fresh Graduate

Awards & Overseas Conventions

* 2014 – 2020 Career Benefit
* 2014, 2019 AIA Million Dollar Club Silver
* 2016, 2020 AIA Million Dollar Club Gold
* 2016 AIA Achiever Japan Tokyo, AIA Grand Summit London UK
* 2016 Save a Life Silver
* 2016 – 2017 AIA 8 Apps Hong Kong – Guangzhou
* 2017 AIA Million Dollar Club Platinum
* 2017 – 2018 Save a Life Bronze
* 2021 AIA Million Dollar Club
* 2022 Million Dollar Round Table 百万圆桌 (MDRT), International Dragon Award 国际龙奖 (IDA), AIA Million Dollar Club Platinum,
* 2022 AIA Amsterdam Convention

PS: In order to keep it short, you are welcomed to visit my social media page and add me as a friend! 🙂

Giving back to the society

Monthly Activity with the Needy & Elderlies